Evolution of Ransomware

Ransomware is the latest business model that has seen extensive coverage and success. Ransomware are of two types (till now): Automated Ransomware The attacker delivers a malware to the target, mostly through a phishing campaign, it is fully automated in carrying out its mission once the malware is on a…

Do you know today’s vulnerability status of your network?

Do you know today’s vulnerability status of your network?

Networks are vulnerable and at peril of being exploited. Our networks are exposed to both internal and external vulnerabilities. Vulnerability management is a key responsibility of any IT security team, and it involves assessing, mitigating (if necessary) and reporting on any security vulnerabilities that exist in an organization’s systems and…

Is Pandemic hurting your IT initiative?
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Is Pandemic hurting your IT initiative?

The world is changing fast due to the current pandemic and adjusting to the new normal is must, to stay afloat in these turbulent times. A lot of small businesses have suffered largely due to the pause, induced by the pandemic. This means budget cuts, cancellation or delaying of different…