Affordable and reliable network services

We bring a robust team and hands-on expertise in Technology and IT Infrastructure.

Tres Infosol PVT LTD About us

about our company

TresInfo Solutions has a strong foundation, with a massive collective experience of over 20 years. We bring a robust team and hands-on expertise in Technology and IT Infrastructure.

Full spectrum of technology solutions & Network Services

Business Intelligence Applications

IBM researcher Hans Peter Luhn is credited with coining the term Business Intelligence in a 1958 article. He defines BI as "the ability to apprehend the interrelationships of presented facts in such a way as to guide action towards a desired goal." Bill Cabiró's puts it in simple words as "Getting the right information to the right people at the right time."

We help our customers with such insightful applications and tools that allow companies to see both historical and current data in context, which enables better decision making and/or prediction development depending on your business objectives.

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The IIoT consists of internet-connected machinery and the advanced analytics platforms that process the data they produce. IIoT devices range from tiny environmental sensors to complex industrial robots. IIoT can create game-changing operational efficiencies and present entirely new business models.

We at Tres help our customers improve the efficiency of their business using IIoT technology. We can help you from simple RFID solutions to complex solutions like Digital Twins. The requirement could be plant / warehouse automation or predictive maintenance, we got a solution for you.

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Network Security

Network security is designed to protect the integrity, confidentiality and accessibility of computer networks and data using both software and hardware technologies. Every organization, regardless of size, industry or infrastructure, requires network security solutions in place to protect it from cyber threats.

We at Tres are experienced in Network security and provide an array of solutions around this. Whatever your requirement be it physical network security, Technical network security or Administrative security or from product perspective it could be anything from Vulnerability assessments to Intrusion Prevention, we can help you on all your security needs.

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We live in a connected world. Connectivity is the key to survival of any business today. IT networking is the development, maintenance, or use of systems -- especially computer systems, software and networks. Each component in the chain is valuable and sustenance of this chain is the key.

We at Tres have a vast experience of networking be it active or passive, wired or wireless, LAN or WAN, Data Centre or Cloud. We can help you meet your needs in a professional and economic way.

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Tres Infosol PVT LTD Managed services

Why System Integration?

• Reasons to work with a mid-sized systems integrator:
• They work well with both mid-sized and large companies.
• They have greater flexibility than larger Tier 1 companies with the same depth in diverse experience and talents.
• Mid-sized systems integration companies like Tres InfoSol are often more flexible, creative, and innovative.
• Open to working with smaller non-global companies as well as global companies.
• Attract aspirational, disruptive engineers as company culture drives innovation. Out-of-the-box thinkers want to work here because they can make a difference.

Benefits of Managed Services

• Products and services that serve your customers better.
• Improved business processes that add value through efficient exchange among IT systems.
• Increased ability to leverage legacy systems, their architecture, and data.
• Faster returns on IT investments and lower risks when moving toward Industry 4.0 business and technology architectures such as smart manufacturing or lights-out factories.
• Increased productivity through easier and faster access to information and IT resources.
• Heightened confidence in data and systems reliability using job analysis and reporting systems.
• Faster and less-disruptive future upgrades to the IT architecture and systems.

Tres Infosol PVT LTD



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Tres Infosol Pvt.Ltd.
M102, Ekdant,
Gulawani Maharaj Road, Erandwane, Pune - 411004

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